
GTA 6 Cars Are Now Closer to Real-Life Counterparts Than Ever


The anticipation for GTA 6 is building, and one exciting development is how GTA 6 cars are now closer to their real-life counterparts than ever. Rockstar Games has made a significant shift towards designing vehicles in GTA 6 that closely resemble actual cars. This change marks a departure from the previous approach of creating vehicles that were a mashup of multiple real-world cars, leading to more authenticity and realism in the game.

Closer Realism in GTA Vehicles

Rockstar has made a noticeable shift in its vehicle design philosophy. Instead of blending elements from different cars, the game developers now focus on closely matching a single real-world car, borrowing minor design elements from other models of the same manufacturer. The Coquette D10, which marked this design shift, was a notable example, further emphasized by the subsequent tuners update.

Community Reactions

The Reddit thread received numerous comments reflecting a wide range of opinions:

  1. Parody Brands and Realism: User u/PapaYoppa noted the ongoing use of parody brands, maintaining a degree of separation from real-world trademarks. This approach helps avoid legal complications while still giving a nod to the inspiration behind the vehicles.
  2. Early Introductions of Concept Cars: Users like Bricknchicken and Not_A_Geek_Nerd pointed out instances where concept cars were introduced in the game long before their real-world counterparts hit the market. For example, the Grotti X80 is based on the Ferrari F80 concept.
  3. Consistency and Confusion: u/TinuThomasTrain and PenonX highlighted the inconsistencies in the naming and design lineage of certain cars, such as the Dinka Jester, which spans different models like the Acura NSX and Toyota Supra.
  4. Nostalgia and Evolution: Comments from users like PoorGang21 and Alex619TL reminisced about the older car models and their evolution over different GTA versions, indicating mixed feelings about the changes.

The Hyundai N Vision 74

The real-life Hyundai N Vision 74, as depicted in the image attached to the Reddit post, serves as a prime example of this new design philosophy. The car, still a concept in real life, has made its way into the GTA universe, showcasing Rockstar’s commitment to staying ahead of automotive trends and offering players a taste of futuristic designs.

GTA 6 Cars Are Now Closer to Real-Life Counterparts Than Ever Image


Comment Highlights

  • u/AdmirableBee8016 and others praised the realistic look of the Hyundai N Vision 74, with some expressing a desire to see it in future GTA titles.
  • u/Aries_24 appreciated the inclusion of realistic cars like the Mustang, Corvette, and Camaro in GTA V, preferring the more authentic approach over the parodic mashups.
  • Some users, like Charlotttes and cjtangmi, expressed concerns that the new realistic approach might reduce the uniqueness and creativity that defined earlier GTA car designs.


The move towards more realistic car designs in GTA games has been largely well-received, with many players appreciating the closer alignment with real-world vehicles. However, there remains a segment of the community that misses the creative liberty and unique identity of the older car designs. As Rockstar continues to evolve its approach, it will be interesting to see how they balance realism with the franchise’s signature creativity.

This discussion underscores the dynamic nature of game design and the importance of community feedback in shaping the future of beloved game franchises like GTA.

Related Reading

For a deeper dive into the anticipated features and gameplay elements of GTA 6, check out our article titled “GTA 6 Future: Theft, Heists, Drugs, and Gangs”. This piece explores fan speculations on whether GTA 6 will focus more on traditional theft and heists or delve deeper into the gritty world of drugs and gangs. With insights on potential game mechanics and technological advancements, it’s a must-read for anyone eagerly awaiting the next installment in the Grand Theft Auto series.

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